Baroque/Classical Composers Quiz

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Baroque/Classical Composers Quiz

1 / 10

What happened to Ludwig van Beethoven when he turned 30 years old?

2 / 10

Which Ludwig van Beethoven Symphony is best known because of its first four notes?

3 / 10

What year was George Frideric Handel and Johann Sebastian Bach born?

4 / 10

How many symphonies did Joseph Haydn write?

5 / 10

What does the word Baroque mean?

6 / 10

What was Joseph Haydn known as?

7 / 10

What is the name of George Frideric Handel’s most well known piece of music?

8 / 10

What country did Johann Sebastian Bach work in?

9 / 10

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a child prodigy. He started composing music at what age?

10 / 10

What instruments did Johann Sebastian Bach play?

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